dilluns, 30 de març del 2009

What do you know about Barack Obama?

1. Who was Abraham Lincoln? What's the Lincoln route?
He was the 16th president of the USA and the first president of the Republican group. He was born in 1809 and he died in 1865. He was murdered. / His route started in Washington and finished in the West Coast. It passes 66 cities.

2. Who was Martin Luther King? Continue his famous quotation: " I have a dream.."
I have a dream in which my four small sons lived in a nation where they were not judged by the color of their skin, but their character.

ESO 3: Write 5 important facts about Obama.
Use present perfect, for and since.
1)Barack has lived with their family in Indonesia in 1967.
2)barack has worked in the company Business International Corporation and New York Public Interest Research Group.
3)Barack has been nominated the first Afro-American president the USA.
4)Barack has been invested as a senator for four years.
5)Barack has lived in the white house since January 2009