dilluns, 2 de febrer del 2009

People. 1.


The best brother for me is Nicholas because it's the youngest and it's fantastic. Here are more information of him:

Name: Nicholas Jerry Jonas.
Age: 16
Date of birth: 16 september 1992
Place of birth: Dallas, Texas, USA.
Star sing: Virgo.
Nich is the youngest brother in the group, but he's been singing the longest. "From the time I was two years old, I would wake up and start singing all the time, every second of the day." says Nick. He was discovered by an agent when he was 6 years old, singing at his barber's. He started singing in musicals and he has never stopped. Nick has dated Hanna Montana star Miley Cyrus.

This is the video "A Litlle bit Longer". It was written by Nick about his long struggle with diabetes.